
Contact us

Please let us know if you have a question, want to leave a comment, or would like further information.


  • Sec - L, 98/L, L.D.A. Colony,
    Kanpur Road, Ashiana, Lucknow,
    Uttar Pradesh, India
  • LGF 180, Khazana Complex,
    Ashiana Lucknow,
    Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Monday - Friday: 10:00AM - 8:00PM
    Saturday: 11:00AM - 5:00PM
    Sunday: CLOSED

Client inquiries

If you are looking for any type solution related to IT sector and would like to speak with someone, please contact:

Shashank Bajpai
Senior Marketing Manager
+91 9616 201083

Recruiting inquiries

For more information regarding current career opportunities, please contact:

Narendra Singh
Recruiting Manager
+91 9956 738432

Administration department

If your query is related to any other department or not sure to where to speak for your requirements, please contact to our Administration department:

Mohit Singh
+91 8090035855

Research & Development

If your query is related to any technical issue regarding software, hardware or networking and not sure where to get the genuine solution, please contact:

Kumar Addu
Tech Lead
+91 9919 227600

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